M come il mare
Joanna Concejo, 2020

€ 20.50

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M come il mare
Joanna Concejo, 2020

€ 20.50

Not available at the moment
The publisher says:

We know little about M, only the first letter of his name, that he is no longer a child, that he is on the beach and would like to be like the sea, that he has blue eyes, that he is sometimes sad, that he sometimes shouts but has no voice, that he thinks a lot and asks a lot of questions: Is there someone on the other side? Is there someone there, where the waves disappear? Someone like me? And how is he over there? Is he also being told that he is small? And how can one be so sad with a sun like this? And so happy at the same time?

Joanna Concejo writes and illustrates a delicate and profound story, which points downwards, in search of the self, and goes upwards, to the heart, to the head, to tell of the anger, pain and happiness of the human soul.

Topipittori, 2020, Italian, 48 Pages, 22.5x29 cm, ISBN 9788833700359